I said YES! ... a year ago.

At this time exactly one year ago, the man I love asked a question that would change my life forever. When I first met Wes, I was not interested in having a boyfriend. My standards were high, and I was picky about the type of man I wanted to date. After spending a lot of time with Wes, I eventually fell in love with him, as I had never met anyone quite like him. He took the time to learn and understand who I am – all of my quirks, passions, and fears.  He was, and still is, someone who time and again exemplifies Christ’s love for others and inspires me to live a meaningful and faith-filled life.  I knew I wanted to be with Wes for as long as possible.

From the beginning, he was intentional about our relationship and celebrated every month together with roses and special gifts.  I felt constantly pursued and loved by him. Within a few weeks, we started our own bookclub - reading books about healthy marriage and talking to young married couples.  We knew marriage was something we eventually wanted to enter into together, but we also wanted to be prepared.

Wes and I dated for almost 2 years before he proposed.  We were camping at Fall Creeks Falls, a place we had never been camping before but immediately loved.  There were waterfalls everywhere and exciting hiking trails to explore. On our way to the campsite after horseback riding, Wes turned to me and asked if I'd like to spend the rest of our days together.

"Catie, will you marry me?"

My heart skipped a beat. After he spoke of our relationship and time together, he pulled out the most beautiful diamond ring I've ever seen. My body went into completely shock, and I couldn't speak, even though my mind was yelling, "YES! OF COURSE!" I just couldn't wrap my mind around reality.  I've been dreaming of this kind of moment, and it was finally happening.

After all the tears, hugs, and laughter, I finally calmed myself down, and he slipped the diamond ring onto my finger.

That night, we drove back to Nashville and celebrated our engagement at the same place we had our first date.  We decided to keep the proposal a secret for two days.  We didn't call or text anyone about it - not even our parents.  We wanted to celebrate as a newly engaged couple, and that's exactly what we did.

Today, Wes and I remember that a year ago, we took a leap of faith.  We entered into the crazy world of engagement (a place I have no desire visiting again), and spent 8 months planning a wedding together. Married life has been sweet to us, and we thank each other and God for that!